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1. Please be respectful and courteous towards others, be considerate of each other's boundaries regarding sensitive topics, triggers, and avoid ship chasing!

2. We will not tolerate any 18+ topics or abuse towards minors, including harassment or substance abuse. Any of these will result in an automatic removal from the group with no negotiation.


3. Anyone with a negative or spiteful attitude towards KH will not be allowed or tolerated in the server!

4. We will also not tolerate any tracing or any form of heavy referencing, which includes other art and stock photos. "Heavy referencing" includes mimicking of other pieces of artwork without credit or tracing stock photos. You are free to share art that you have bought from another artist as long as you don't claim it as your own.

5. Be polite in chat and in DMs. Avoid spamming, or oversharing information.

6. Cliques are inevitable, but try and reach out to others and they will reach out to you too!

7. Stirring up drama and rumors will result in mods carefully monitoring you; this will be your first strike. We will negotiate with you, but we will not give a second chance and any harassment towards other members will result in removal from the group.

8. Please do not god mod! Discuss with the other member beforehand to determine boundaries and find what you both are comfortable with during RPs, HCs, etc.

❀ general questions  ❀

❀ Can I become a moderator/join the student council?


As of right now, no. Asking to be a part of the moderator team or student council will result in an instant rejection from the mods. If we are interested in recruiting a new mod, we will reach out or make an announcement.

❀ Is there a pre-server?


Yes! Here is the link to our pre-server. Anyone who is interested in the group is welcome to join!

❀ Will there be a NSFW server?


No. Please remember that this is a high school group and the majority of the students will be minors. Any NSFW content in our servers or group will not be tolerated.

❀ Will more clubs be opened if there is enough interest in them?


After acceptance, we may consider opening new clubs if there is a large interest in them, however, we would like students to focus on the clubs that we have already provided.

❀ application questions ❀

❀ What is "KH" and why are you prioritizing them?


KH stands for Kairyou High, which is another high school based role play group here on dA. Gaining a lot of popularity, they were not able to accept 200+ applicants. We wanted to make a group for those who wanted to keep the OC that they created for KH and have a chance at joining a HS RP group. We would also like to mention that we did get written permission from the KH mods to make this group, and we will be holding joint events and collaborations in the future!

❀ Can I still get into the group even if I wasn't a KH applicant?


Yes! We are prioritizing KH applicants to give them a second chance at joining a group, however, that doesn't mean we aren't open to non-KH applicants.

❀ How many applicants are going to be accepted?


We will decide how many applications we will accept based on the number of people who actually apply and how much work we mods can handle.

❀ Can I make a secondary OC?


As of right now, no. Currently, only mods are allowed to have a second OC.

❀ character creation questions  ❀

❀ Are transgender/non-binary OCs allowed?


100000% yes! We welcome all students of all sexuality and identities.

❀ Are foreigner/mixed ethnicity OCs allowed?


Yes, however, we would like to keep the amount of foreigner/mixed students to a minimum as this high school is based in Japan.

❀ Can my female OC wear the male uniforms or vice versa? Can my OC mix and match different parts of the female and male uniforms?


Of course! We are quite flexible about wearing which ever uniforms you would like, however, please keep in mind the notes that we have in the description of our uniform reference post.

❀ Can my OC wear the button up dress shirt unbuttoned with a T-shirt underneath?

No, however, we do allow having a few buttons to be unbuttoned

❀ Can I apply to have my OC be captain/president for a sports team/club?


Yes, however, it will be announced at a later date, and be decided based on RNG and limited to interested 3rd year students only.* In addition, please keep in mind of your OC's personality and ability to be a leader before applying to be captain/president.

*Decisions on this are subject to change

❀ Does my OC have to be in a club?

No, however, due to the nature of the school, it is most likely that all students will participate in at least one club. 

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