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❀ how to join ❀




1. Please make sure to review all of the rules before applying!

2. All application resources (uniforms, application form, etc.) can be found here!

3. When you are ready to submit your application, please submit a join request with the following information:

Application Link:
OC Name:
OC Year:

OC Gender:

Ride or Die:**


**This means you are are not willing to be accepted unless everyone in your "ride or die" is accepted. This also means if even one person is rejected, everyone else will be rejected as well. Please include the names of anyone you would like to do ride or die with here. Make sure you verify with the others to ensure that everyone is on board and includes each other's names in the join request.

4. If you would like to meet and chat with other applicants, we also have a pre-server available here that you may join!

❀ character creation ❀

Asagao App Display.png

Asagao Application. Click to Preview

1. Please read over the uniform guide to ensure that your OC design remains within the academy's rules!

2. Please include, at minimum, a clear full body and head shot of your OC in your application. It is acceptable to take the head shot from your full body art. The art must be drawn by you.

3. We will not be accepting applications which are messy or have rushed sketches. On that note, we will not be judging based on skill or style, but the art should not be super sketchy. If you feel that you need an extension (with good reason), please reach out to the mods!

4. Unnatural hair and eye colors are allowed!

5. It is fine to "mix and match" pieces of the uniform (ex: female OC wearing part of the male uniform, non-binary OCs may wear whichever they are comfortable with).

6. We will not be offering app checks at this time. Some general things that we will be keeping in mind while reviewing applications are maintaining diversity of our student population and having well-thought out characters.

7. Your character may join up to 2 clubs! A list of available clubs can be found in the club tab under the student portal.

8. The written portion of your application should include the following (but you may add additional sections as you see fit as well!):

Date of Birth:
Year: (1st | 2nd | 3rd)

Dorm: (TBA)
Personality: (this section should be in depth, either bulleted or paragraph format, and include both positive and negative traits!)
Likes and Dislikes: (please include at least 5 points for each section!)
Biography: (there is no word minimum, however we will expect some information on their childhood, family, and schooling prior to attending high school!)
Miscellaneous: (optional - feel free to add little trivia facts, relationships, etc.)
RP Preferences: (RP style, preferred social media/platform, timezone)

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