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Everyone in this world is granted a unique skill. Underneath unique skills are abilities which develop overtime as one matures and realizes their niche. Leveling up allows one to unlock more abilities in one’s skill tree. The more one levels up, the closer they can get to upgrading classes, which unlocks new skill trees and abilities!


These do not have to be specifically made, they can just be made up based on what you decide for your OC class.





Strength (STR): Pure physical strength

Dexterity (DEX): Speed/Agility

Intelligence (INT): Ability to use magic

Luck (LUK): Chance of inflicting damage on enemies

Mana (MNA): Amount of raw energy inside oneself

Defense (DEF): Amount of resistance against attacks




Mana is the source of energy and is also a way to measure one’s power in this world. Without mana, there would be no magic or skills! As mana is the source of energy within oneself, it also means that it is limited; which the limit will expand the more one levels up. Overuse of mana could lead to mana-deficiency, ultimately leading to death! Although mana may be within everyone, not everyone manipulates the mana inside themselves the same. There are many different ways people are able to learn to use their mana whether it be incorporating it into their weapons or learning spells! The opportunities are endless!






Civilians are those who are unable to fully manipulate their mana. Because of this, they take on other occupations that are extremely important to sustaining a functional society! They include Merchants, Black Smiths, Soldiers, Farmers, and more!


[ONLY AVAILABLE TO THOSE WITH SECONDARIES. We would like all primary OCs to be adventurers as only adventurers will be participating in battles. You may decide which of your 2 OCs will be the primary adventurer and which one will be the civilian OC for RP purposes. ]



Adventurers are split into different classes based on their skills.


Melee Class: This class consists of melee fighters. They wield items such as swords, daggers, and other close range weapons. They may also be weaponless and choose to use hand-to-hand combat if their abilities specialize in it.

Melee class typically has a mix of stats, but will usually have high STR and LUK.

[ex. Swordsmen, Fighters, Assassins, etc.]


Magic Class: This class consists of offensive magic users. They usually specialize in one specific type of elemental magic. Magic class does not usually focus on healing or buffs, as those are more specialized for the support class. Magic classes typically have very high INT and MANA.

[ex. Any wizards that do not fall under support class]


Support Class: This class consists of defensive/support magic users. They usually specialize in a variety of healing, (de)buffing, defense, and spiritual summonings. They do not usually focus on offensive magic and typically avoid combat. Support classes typically have higher INT and MANA.

[ex. Clerics, Alchemists, Druids, etc.]


Ranged Class: This class consists of a variety of different ranged users. These include gunners, archers, puppeteers, etc. They are especially great for aerial battles. Ranged users will usually have high DEX.


[ex. Gunners, Archers, Puppeteers, etc.]


Tank Class: This class consists of powerful tanks. They typically wield shields or are able to create powerful defensive barriers. Due to their defensive nature, they typically are the first to step foot into battle. Tank class has very high DEF and low DEX.


[ex. Paladins, Knights, Vanguards, etc]




Mane Gloriam


Mane Gloriam is one of the top guilds in the continent. They are known for their diverse community of adventurers, ranging from human to non-human races. Welcoming only the passionate and courageous adventurers from across the continent, Mane Gloriam will polish any diamond in the rough to make sure their guild stays as the top ranking Guild in all of The Kingdom of Vere Flos. To stay at the top, the guild sends out quests for their members to complete. Each quest is measured by rank from D, C, B, A and S tier by the Faction leaders with suitable rewards to go along with it. 


Of course Rookies won’t be able to go on an S ranked quest, unless they’re prepared to die before taking a good shot at life– however, no matter the skill, everyone will have to start from the bottom and work towards increasing their ranks. 


Regarding Faction leaders, they are known to be the most capable adventurers among the guild, each having reached Master rank, second only to the Guild Master themselves. Each leader is in charge of training their members by their adventure class. If an adventurer seeks advice, it’s best to go to their faction leader before seeing the guild master.


Faction Leaders


Eiji is a Priest who is in charge of guiding Support adventurers. 

As a priest class, Eiji specializes in healing magic, promoting the growth of natural foliage and especially in herbal medicine.


Hanae is the Vanguard whose specialty is in Defense

Known as the Vanguard, Hanae takes her place on the defensive lines to create a path for her team advance in battle. Although her frame is small, she is more sturdy than you think. Her specialty is her raw strength and natural magic resistance.


Hayate is a Gunner that specializes in long Ranged attacks and weapons

A very chaotic and quite trigger happy fellow when you get to know him at first. Ironically going into the frontlines of battles despite of his class. This little Gunslinger seems to be a giddy brat but is actually responsible in keeping a strong record of less casualties in quests-...but you'll probably have a memorable scare or two with him around.


Senri is an Assassin who keeps the Melee class in shape. 

Though Senri is known to serve at the forefront during battles, his true specialty lies in his balance between close combat and stealthy ranged attacks. He prefers to take enemies by surprise, hiding in the shadows and wielding knives which he sometimes coats in rare poisons (that no one knows the origin of), then striking face-to-face with his sword.


Umi is the Battle Mage who is the most knowledgeable in Magic

She specializes in the manipulation of time and space, having an affinity with Spatial magic. She is highly respected in Vere Flos for her vast knowledge in all types of elemental magic.
























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